Moderatorin im Studio: Nora Gras
Artist: Tracktitle
Albumtitle (Label)
Puberty: Invitations
7“ (Telephone Explosion)
Cosmonauts: T.V. California
Same (Permanent Records)
The Liminanas: Betty and Johnny
7“ (SDZ)
Humms: Jesus Lied
Lemonland (Bachelor)
Overnight Lows: Low Road
City of Rotten Eyes (Goner)
Lil Daggers – Slave Exhange
7“ (Livid)
Moon Duo: Motorcycle, I Love You
Escape EP (Woodsist)
High Tension Wires: Backbone
Welcome New Machine (Dirtnap)
Love Boat: You Know I Really Want You
Sliding Deck 7“ (Shit Music for Shit People)
The Ex: Cold Weather is Back
Catch My Shoe (Ex Records)
The Kills: Future Starts Now
Blood Pressures (Domino)
Psychedelic Horseshit: French Countryside
Laced (Fat Cat)
Dirty Beaches: Lord Knows Best
Badlands (Zoo Music)
Red Dons: Pariah
Fake Meets Failure (Taken By Surprise)
The Monsters: Primitive Man
Junglenoise (Voodoo Rhythm)
The Backdoor Men: Out Of My Mind
V.A. – A Really Cool Time Revisited: Swedish Punk, Pop and Garage Rock 1982-1989 (Amigo)
Six Organs Of Admittance: Hold But Let Go
Asleep on the Floodplain (Drag City)